Craig O'Brien Cinematography/Photography
Craig OʼBrien is known as “OB” to his friends and business partners. Craig
is one of a handful of Aerial Cinematographers in the world who have
reached this level of aerial documentation. With well over 20,000 jumps in
the sport of skydiving, countless Film and TV credits to his career and multiple
world championships, Craig is by far the top cameraman for any extreme aerial production. Over
the last 15 years OB has changed the culture of skydiving big way events through his dedicated
and continued organizing of the world’s best cameramen. His work on films and TV has opened
more of the public’s eyes to the sport of skydiving and extreme sports then almost any other
cameraman on the planet. If you’ve seen skydiving in a movie or on TV, chances are, OB was
there behind the lens working with the most famous people in the biz. On the set OB is always
known as the go to man for any complicated scenarios and has helped producers and directors
achieve their vision orchestrating the golden shot they were after. When the chips are down and
you need an expert, OB is your man. Honest, integral and experienced.
Camera Operator
Professional Skydiver since 1993
Total jumps 23,000 +
3 time World Champion (Skysurf Camera flier) 1999, 2000, 2001
6 time US National Champion (Skysurf Camera flier) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004,
2005 and 2007
Canadian Military: “The Skyhawks” 1999 to 2018
Video Coordinator Skydive Perris, 1998 to Present
Feature Films
Charlieʼs Angles 2000
The Reality of Bob Burnquest 2006
Monsters Ball 2000
Jane Austin Book Club 2006
Bruce Almighty 2003
The Bucket List 2008
Stealth 2005
Iron Man 2008
Iron Man III 2013
The Hangover III 2013
Godzilla 2014
Kingsman Secret Service 2015
Killing Hasslehoff 2015
Point Break 2015
xXx-Return of Zander 2016
Mission Impossible 6 Fallout 2018
★ American Express ★ Toyota
★ Volvo ★ Coke
★ Nikon ★ Verizon
★ Honda ★ Suzuki
★ Sony Play Station ★ Monsters of Rock
★ Bank of America ★ Tutie Fruitie
★Warner Cable ★ Nissan
CBS: “The Amazing Race”, “ The Unit”, “CSI”, “CSI Miami”, “Chuck”
ABC: “GoodMorning America”, “ Extreme Makeover”
ESPN: “X-Games”
Discovery: “Man vs Wild”,”A Sport to die for”
Fox Sports’: ”Blade Raid”
TLC: “How’d They Do That?”
MTV: ”Senseless Act on Video”
The Outdoor Channel: “Inside RC”, “Hawaiian International Billfishing
Tournament”, “Inside Paintball”, “4 Wheeler TV”, “Whistle Stops”, “Hot Rod TV”,
“Los Cabos Tuna” “Tournament”, “Strike Zone”
Published Photography
Featured Photographer in: “Extreme Digital Photography”,Parachutist,
Skydiving, Drop Zone, Air Press, Para Mag, Fittfall, Men’s Journal, Sports
Illustrated, Ramblers, TM, LA Times, ASM, Skydive The Mag and many more
X Games 1999, 2000
US Open of Skysurfing 1997
FAI World Skydiving Championships, 1998, 1999, 200, 2001
US National Championships 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007
Japanese X Games 2000
2 time Taurus World Stunt Awards 2014 Iron Man III / “Best High Work and Best Specialty Stunt
Communication Arts 2017 / Storms Edge- Red Bull